Bedford County Emergency Information Profile Bedford County Emergency Information Profile Step 1 of 2 50% In an emergency, seconds count. Bedford Emergency Communications has created the Bedford Emergency Profile so that all citizens can voluntarily opt-in to have their information at emergency personnel's fingertips in the time of an emergency. This form is also to be used for Marcus Alert information. The purpose of the Bedford Emergency Profile to provide information to Bedford County and the Town of Bedford first responders. Some examples of this information that might want to be conveyed: how to access the residence when the resident is unable to answer the door (gate codes, knox box codes, etc.), allergies and medications taken, medical and cognitive conditions, family member or doctor contact information, pictures of the resident, and any other information that is important to provide emergency service response to the residence. Information shared here will only appear at the dispatcher consoles when a call originates from the location listed and will not be shared anywhere else. If the location or any information changes please communicate this directly with Bedford 911. It is important to keep this information up to date. Project Lifesaver Information Wandering is a very common behavior among those with cognitive conditions, and in that instance, it is very dangerous and potentially life-threatening. By enrolling your loved one in Project Lifesaver, they will become a part of a community that is dedicated to their safety and well-being, while ensuring that if they wander, they will be located within a timely manner and returned home safely. Project Lifesaver will provide your loved one with an additional layer of protection, which will provide your family with newly found peace of mind.If you are interested in more information on the Project Lifesaver for your loved one please check this box. Someone from the Bedford County Sheriff's Office will contact you. I am interested in Project Lifesaver PERSONAL INFORMATION OF RESIDENTName* First Last Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City Home PhoneCell PhoneGate Code/Hidden Key/Knox BoxAge Height Weight Race Physical Description (eye color, hair color, birth marks, etc)Upload a pictureAccepted file types: png, jpg, jpeg, pdf, Max. file size: 10 MB.PLI Tracking Number (if used) EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATIONContact 1Name First Last PhoneContact 2 Name First Last PhoneIs wandering or eloping a concern?CHOOSE ONEYESNOIf answered YES, list places likely to go MEDICAL INFORMATIONMedical Needs (diagnosis, health concerns)Restrictions (allergies, dietary)COMMUNICATIONBehavioral signs of escalation, increased anxiety or stress, anger, or lack of understandingPreferred mode of communication when stressed or anxiousRECOMMENDATIONSLikes (interests, food, drinks, movies, hobbies, etc.)Dislikes (sensitivies, triggers, fears, things to avoid)OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATIONPlease use this field to enter any information you feel is important but wasn't specifically asked on the profile formCAPTCHACommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.